Float like a butterfly, create like a bee.
Welcome to the world of Tanotsuku Design! We dance gracefully like Muhammad Ali and work systematically like Mayweather. 8 hours of sleep, 8 hours of creativity, 1 hour of eating and getting ready, and the remaining 4 hours of dedication to your project! We will make your ideas a reality!


シンプルカッコイイ!可愛らしい!だけでない訴求するモノコトを名刺看板に使用しても魅せるオリジナルのロゴデザインいたします デザイナーが制作にあたってクライアントさまのイメージとズレがないようヒヤリングをいたしますので初めてのかたでも最後まで安心してお取引いただけるようご対応させていただいております 

Simple and cool! lovely! We will design an original logo that appeals to customers, even when used on business cards and signboards. During the production process, we will conduct interviews to ensure that there is no discrepancy with the client’s image, so even first-time customers can feel confident in their transactions from start to finish. We will do our best to accommodate you.


伝えたい情報魅せたい商品などお伝えください! Photoshopデザイナーがイメージがなくても素材からご提案いたします ターゲットの分析や訴求する情報を精査しオンライン広告とは違った集客効果を訴求するフライヤー 特定の地域に集中した情報発信ができる短期間で特定地域に情報の拡散や集客効果を狙えるプランをご提案いたします
Please tell us the information you want to convey, the products you want to show off, etc. Even if you don’t have an image, we will make suggestions based on the materials.A flyer that appeals to customers in a way different from online advertising by analyzing the target and carefully examining the information to appeal.Information concentrated in a specific area. We will make proposals that can spread information and attract customers to specific areas in a short period of time.


商品内容や特徴セールスポイント シンプル・高級感・親しみやすく・ご希望の形状や雰囲気などありましたらお知らせください 商品を送っていただき撮影シチュエーションからご提案いたします コンバージョンを上げる魅せる伝えるオンライン広告やWebサイトを制作します デザイナー動画の撮影編集などのご依頼も承ります
Product details and features Selling points: Simple, luxurious, friendly. If you have a desired shape or atmosphere, please let us know. You can also send us the product and we will take care of everything from photography to situation proposals. Online advertisements and websites that convey charm and increase conversion. We also accept requests for video shooting and editing.

 Our Process
▶︎1 ヒアリング Consultation
 オーダーシートにご注文・ご回答いただき確認したい点をいくつか質問させていただきます お客さまのイメージとズレがないよう丁寧にヒヤリングをいたします 初めてのかたでも最後まで安心してお取引いただけるようご対応させていただきます 
We will ask you to fill out an order sheet and respond to a few questions to clarify any points of interest. We carefully listen to ensure our understanding aligns with your vision. Even if this is your first time, rest assured that we will guide you smoothly through the entire process.

▶︎2 デザイン制作&提案 Design Creation & Proposal
 Within approximately three days, we will present our design proposals to you.

▶︎3 ご検討 Review

 If there are any points of correction or adjustments needed for the design, please let us know.

▶︎4 決定 Finalization
 Once the design is approved, we proceed to delivery. Please inform us of your  preferred data formats for the final files.


仕事のご依頼やご質問など お気軽にご相談ください お急ぎのご依頼もご対応いたします